sábado, novembro 07, 2015

Mongo e a agricultura do futuro

Interessante o relato desta evolução nos hábitos alimentares e do seu impacte nos Golias do agro-industrial, "A Seismic Shift in How People Eat":
"Sales of fresh prepared foods have grown nearly 30 percent since 2009, while sales of center-of-store packaged goods have started to fall. Sales of raw fruits and vegetables are also growing — among children and young adults, per capita consumption of vegetables is up 10 percent over the past five years.
The outlook for the center of the store is so glum that industry insiders have begun to refer to that space as the morgue. For consumers today, packaged goods conjure up the image of foods stripped of their nutrition and loaded with sugar. Also, decades of deceptive marketing, corporate-sponsored research and government lobbying have left large food companies with brands that are fast becoming liabilities.
According to one recent survey, 42 percent of millennial consumers, ages 20 to 37, don’t trust large food companies, compared with 18 percent of non-millennial consumers who feel that way.
Companies will have to drastically cut sugar; process less; go local and organic; use more fruits, vegetables and other whole foods; and develop fresh offerings.
These changes would require a complete overhaul of their supply chains, major organizational restructuring and billions of dollars of investment, but these corporations have the resources. It may be their last chance."
Como é que a marca Portugal, recordar a opinião dos russos, pode aproveitar esta mesma  onda na Europa para se diferenciar do Mar del Plástico?
Quando Mongo e as suas tribos que fazem escolhas assimétricas se encontram na agricultura, talvez surjam oportunidades para quem tiver a abordagem do Ingénuo Inteligente.

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