quarta-feira, novembro 11, 2015

Acerca da criação de valor

"Value is created by the buyer not the seller.
If buyers rely on their own experiences, then how can any salesperson create value?
What top sales performers do, almost instinctively, is they connect to the value drivers (some of which may have been un-articulated) of their ideal customers.
By believing in value creation by salespeople may lead those hungry salespeople down the wrong path especially for small businesses where their sales team is also their marketing team.  Possibly the best lesson from this marketing and consequently sales research is to just listen to what is being said instead of presuming you as the salesperson already know what your sales prospect needs or wants."
Conhece os value drivers dos seus clientes-alvo?
E sabe quem são os seus clientes-alvo?
Qual é a sua proposta de valor para eles?
Trechos retirados de "Value Creation – The Truth Leaks Out"

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