segunda-feira, setembro 28, 2015

Perigosa propaganda neoliberal

"Now, more than ever, the ability to shift is the ability to compete.
In effect, while other countries are training their kids to take tests, we are teaching ours to shift.
A long term-strategy is only as good as its power to predict far into the future and, in today’s age of disruption, that’s increasingly becoming an untenable proposition.  Competitiveness is no longer a matter of mustering resources, but shifting them to where they can be most productive.
Performance on tests is a good indicator of how someone can solve problems with a clear answer, just as a good strategist can weave a complex web of data points into an insightful plan.  The world, however, is a messy place and does not yield to even the most well crafted plans.
Facts change, now faster than ever.  The path to productivity is never a straight line.  It is not enough to race as fast as we can down a chosen course, we need to notice when a more prodigious one begins to appear."
Para muita gente cá no burgo, ciosa de direitos adquiridos, isto não passa de perigosa propaganda neoliberal.
Pois, em Mongo, a paisagem competitiva enrugada move-se a um ritmo...

Trechos retirados de "The Shift Economy"

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