quinta-feira, setembro 24, 2015

Aproveitar a restrição (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
Como é que tendo a nossa empresa uma estrutura de custos mais pesada e, operando num mercado onde os clientes valorizam sobretudo o preço, pode ter uma oportunidade de futuro interessante?
Como é que a nossa empresa que tem máquinas velhas e obsoletas, pode competir com a concorrência que tem máquinas novas, eficientes e muito rápidas?
Como é que a nossa empresa conseguirá ter os produtos com a sua marca, expostos nas prateleiras controladas pela distribuição grande que tem marcas próprias, sem perder margens?
A resposta será sempre do tipo: can... if
"When you don’t have resources, you become resourceful.
If you’ve seen any improv theatre, or the TV show Whose Line Is It Anyway? you’ve seen two actors walk out on stage to improvise a scene. They start with nothing, get a couple of suggestions from the audience about who they are and what they are doing, and make up a scene on the spot: “You’re at a job interview at  NASA, but you are a pianist. Go!”
Robert Poynton is an expert in applying the techniques of improv to the world of business and leadership. A prerequisite for success in the world of improv, he observes, is finding value in what you have. The uninitiated find this hard and might adopt the victim mindset - “What am I supposed to do with that!?” But the  skilled performer finds the value in the offer, accepts it, and builds on it.
We have seem something akin to this in the way that transformers of constraints accept a constraint as an offer...
They recognized the opportunities inherent in constraints. It's this positive mindset coupled with a simple, repeatable method that gives improvisers and transformers the confidence to know that they can make something out of very little every time. They see offers everywhere. So when faced with apparent scarcity and constraints, we need to find and build new value in what we have, no matter how meager it may initially appear to us. And we need to understand how to trade this value with other parties [Moi ici: Aprender a pensar a nível de ecossistema e em relações ganhar-ganhar-ganhar] in order to get what we want, in the way improvisers trade offers to get a story. What can we offer them in exchange for what we need and they have in abundance? What might we do together that could have more impact than what we can do alone? How might we combine limited resources with others to create collective abundance?" 
E continuo a minha leitura de livro "A Beautiful Constraint".

2 comentários:

Paulo Peres disse...

Essa parte "They recognized the opportunities inherent in constraints. It's this positive mindset coupled with a simple, repeatable method that gives improvisers and transformers the confidence to know that they can make something out of very little every time. They see offers everywhere. So when faced with apparent scarcity and constraints, we need to find and build new value in what we have, no matter how meager it may initially appear to us. And we need to understand how to trade this value with other parties." é forte. Lembra-me a importância do pessoal de vendas, mas ao mesmo tempo a necessidade de uma orientação bem dita.

CCz disse...

Sim. Gosto sobretudo da referência a "positive mindset". Como não recordar Carol Dweck