sábado, agosto 01, 2015

Coisas que um anónimo sabe porque anda no terreno e não aprendeu na academia

Convido os decisores de empresas a lerem este artigo "Question What You “Know” About Strategy"
"Say you are competing in a fast-growing industry. How much do you care about profits versus market share?
It’s a common rule of thumb that businesses should go for market share in fast-growing in­dustries. It’s conventional wisdom, though, not a law of physics; you don’t have to go for share."
Sim, eu sei, sou um anónimo da província, um engenheiro que cada vez mais valoriza a arte do que a ciência, quando se fala de estratégia para os negócios.
E, como anónimo da província escrevo destas coisas "Profit is sanity".
Entretanto, se continuarem a ler o artigo lá de cima encontrarão:
"Here’s a law-of-physics rule: there is only, always, exactly 100% market share in any market. That’s why, despite the vigorous price-warring, tournament strategists gained little or no share. (No one gets ahead when everyone moves in the same direction.) What they got, 90% of the time, was mutually assured destruction. [Moi ici: Interessante esta escolha das palavras. Recordar este e este] The only way to win a price war is to be the only one fighting, and that’s not much of a war.
Knowing that, and knowing that your competitors know that, would you change your preference for profits or market share? Would you challenge the go-for-share rule?"

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