sexta-feira, julho 03, 2015

Primeiro a ideia, depois as acções (parte II)

Parte I.
"To state your strategy in a sentence, though, you really just need the first three parts: winning aspiration, where to play, and how to win. The simple mad lib plug-n-play is basically some version of this:
Achieve [Winning Aspiration] in [Where To Play] by [How To Win].
Your winning aspiration needs to spell out a clear win. It needs to be future-oriented, ambitious, and specific (thus measurable), contain a competitive element, and avoid a play-to-play goal. Your where-to-play needs some element of segmentation. Your how-to-win needs to capture your unique value proposition, your competitive advantage.
Become the global leader in kidney disease treatment on the basis of biopharmaceutical research excellence."

Trecho retirado de "State Your Strategy in a Sentence"

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