quinta-feira, junho 11, 2015

"Ask how many boxes you can think inside"

"No One Can Think Outside the Box" pareceu-me um dos mais interessantes artigos que li nos últimos tempos:
"A box is a frame, a paradigm, a habit, a perspective, a silo, a self-imposed set of limits; a box is context and interpretation. We cannot think outside boxes. We can, though, choose our boxes. We can even switch from one box to another to another.
Boxes get dangerous when they get obvious, like oft-told stories that harden into cultural truth. Letting a box rust shut is a blunder not of intention but of inattention.
Boxes are invisible until we look for them. Let’s look.
Almost no one questions whether those numbers are appropriate for the decision at hand. They silently adopt the supreme box of the corporate world: the financial accounting view of the company.
I am not saying that a neat tabular arrangement of money over time is inherently right or wrong. I am saying that it is unwise not to notice what analytic framework you choose to answer a question.
Whatever the company, the numbers and insights inside one box don’t include the numbers and insights from other boxes.
don’t ask how you can think outside the box. Ask how many boxes you can think inside. Then, dive in. The revelations are fine."
E deu logo para fazer a ponte com os modelos mentais, as caixas, referidas em "Pensamentos sobre notícias do mundo empresarial"

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