domingo, junho 14, 2015

Acerca da importância da interacção, da relação, do emocional

"The value proposition is a very logical concept. That is its beauty and its limitation.
Over and over one hears - if you have a compelling value proposition, you will sell more. This is all the language of homo economicus -rational, linear, deductive, databased.
People buy with their heart - then justify it with their brain.”
People prefer to buy what they need from people who understand what it is that they want.” Not from those with the best value propositions.
Professor Gerald Zaltman at Harvard Business School suggests that 95% of our purchasing decisions occur in the subconscious. “Value propositions” do not address this 95%. Old-timer uber-salesman Zig Ziglar says, “People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.”
The master of influence, Robert Cialdini lists six key influence factors: not one of them is data, or rational argumentation, or anything resembling a “value proposition” as defined above.
Professionals face much the same dilemma with sales. What they are taught as right is really wrong. They have bought into the theories, models and “value propositions.” So strongly, in fact, that for them to accept the simple idea that an emotional connection might lie at the heart of a sale is tantamount to heresy.
So professionals and B2B salespeople do what they’ve always done to succeed in this world: turn a distasteful task into an academic pursuit, a business process, a subject for the creation of models. And above all, depersonalize it.
No MBA curriculum I know of offers courses in personal selling. You will see courses about marketing and sales management and decision models, but you will not see a personal-sales course. It is not academically “respectable” to actually train people in such activities.
The real “value proposition,” if we want to keep that phrase, is the value the buyer gets from being able to have a trusting relationship with a seller."
Continuo fã do conceito de proposta de valor mas não deixo de sublinhar e partilhar da mensagem deste texto sobre a importância do lado emocional, sobre a importância da interacção, sobre a importância da relação. Talvez o lado racional seja mais relevante na fase do início de uma relação e o lado emocional mais relevante na fase de manutenção e desenvolvimento de uma relação.
Recordar a diferença entre venda curta e venda longa em "SPIN Selling"
Trechos retirados de "Why Value Propositions are Overrated"

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