sexta-feira, maio 22, 2015

Um texto traiçoeiro?

A relação entre o que o que o cliente precisa e o que o cliente quer e, a diferença entre o vendedor e o consultor de compra.
"Often what a customer wants is diametrically opposed to what they need. As a businessperson, your job is to give the customer what they want. Helping them to understand what they need is also important. However, it’s not your responsibility to convince customers to get what they need. Businesses make money by satisfying their customers. Often it’s easier to sell them what they want than what they need. So that’s where businesspeople should primarily focus their energy."
 Sim, percebo isto. Um cliente não compra um bem ou serviço objectivamente, não pretende a realização pura e simples de um job-to-be-done funcional, também procura algo emocional, experiencial, subjectivo e relativo ... mas pode levar-nos para destinos perigosos. Levar-nos a explorar o lado fácil e fraco dos clientes com algo que os seduz mas que lhes faz mal à saúde ou à carteira.
"If you want customers to feel good about the relationship and are interested in customer retention, you have to give them what they want.
Sometimes what a customer wants is not what they need. [Moi ici: Lá está... e quem define o que é que um cliente precisa? E qual é o critério objectivo para definir qual a marca e modelo de carro para um cliente comprar?] As a caring human being you may feel it’s your responsibility to tell them as much. In that case the best you can do is share the information you think they need to know but allow them to make what they feel is the right decision without feeling pressured. Sometimes the customer will agree with you, change their purchase, and thank you for your help. Other times they may completely disregard what you say and still pursue what they want over what you know they need. Still, if you want to stay in business you should be willing to sell them what they want without making them feel bad about it.
In sales, a need is something that solves a real or imagined problem. A want, on the other hand, is simply something that would be nice to have. Often customers have no idea what they need, they simply know what they want. When you give them what they want, in the long run this enables you to build a lucrative ongoing relationship with them. One in which they feel they’re in control.
What the customer wants is often more of a powerful motivator than what they need. This becomes clear when you listen to your customer and ask them to tell you why they want what they want. Usually they have a burning desire to get what they want and simply what you to show them how they can get it. Customers tend to get more value, joy, and satisfaction from purchasing what they want versus what they need. [Moi ici: Julgo que falta introduzir uma outra variável neste texto, qual é o propósito de quem vende?] Successful businesspeople understand this and know how to use it to their advantage.
Businesspeople make their living satisfying consumers’ wants and needs. It becomes clear very early in their careers that the average person is usually willing to spend more on want they want than what they need.
Understanding what your customer wants and giving it to them at a price they can afford has made countless businesspeople successful. Plus it’s a lot easier to sell people what they want than what they need."
Um texto com diferentes interpretações e um pouco traiçoeiro.
Ainda ontem de manhã, enquanto esperava pelo comboio na estação em Estarreja, aproximou-se de mim um tipo com vinte e poucos anos, bem vestido, cabelo curtinho, de casaco, parecia saudável. De repente começa a tossir e a revelar uma garganta com problemas. Quando já faltavam menos de 5 minutos para a chegada do comboio, vai ao café e regressa. Nem precisei de olhar para ver o que fazia, bastou-me ouvir aquele gesto que os fumadores fazem de bater com o maço antes de o abrir. Um exemplo de alguém que comprou aquilo que queria, não o que precisava. Contudo, era maior e vacinado, exerceu a sua liberdade.
Um vendedor vende o que tem.
Um consultor de compra ajuda a comprar o que o cliente quer.
Será que existe mesmo o que o cliente precisa? Quem o pode definir? Qual o critério para o definir?

Trechos retirados de "The Difference Between Customer Needs and Wants"

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