quinta-feira, fevereiro 05, 2015

Regras de polegar

"Someone can always be cheaper.
When dealing with the price of a good or service, new companies need to understand that there can always be a cheaper option. Regardless of how cheap they go, their more established competitors can choose to price their good or service lower than the new company. The competitors have established brands, usually more cash on hand, and are often willing to lose a little money in the short term to price out the competition.
Don’t get into a pricing war with your competitors. Instead, offer something better than them.
People are willing to pay for quality.
“We know we’re not the cheapest option in the market, but we make up for that by providing our clients [Moi ici: Implica conhecer quem são os clientes-alvo e o que procuram e valorizam] with once in a lifetime experiences and providing them with the best guides and programs,"
He’s very aware that they’re not the lowest-priced option in their space but also understands that his customers are ready to pay for an amazing experience and because of that, his company has grown aggressively for the past few years.
Make more money selling one item than selling one hundred...
So, the next time you’re considering how to price your product or service, instead of sweating the pennies, look at how you can charge MORE by offering a better quality experience for your customer. You’ll be shocked at how much less stress is involved with pricing up instead of pricing down."
Faz lembrar as três regras de Raynor: best before cheaper; revenue before cost; there's no other rule. E a recente "sell it for more or make it for less" (Não esquecer "don't try to compete with China on cost or with WAlmart on price")
Trechos retirados de "Don't Be the Cheapest, Be the Best"

BTW, talvez o meu título fosse "Don't Be the Cheapest, Be Different"

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