terça-feira, janeiro 27, 2015

A história acerca da oferta

Excelente conselho:
"The temptation is to see story as a luxury item: something that brands implement to lift their margin. There’s nothing wrong with that of course – it’s powerful and it works. ... Our view is that most brands, no matter where they are priced in the marketplace, need a storyline.
Without a storyline, a product is just that. It has everything it needs (hopefully) to do what it’s being bought for but that also means it’s just another detergent, car oil, computer, whatever
The real power of story is that it provides context, in two senses. First of all, it helps consumers differentiate an offering by attaching more than just functionality to a product. It can also help them understand why a product is priced the way it is – up or down.
Secondly, and perhaps just as importantly, a storyline gives the brand owner a consistent and differentiated narrative upon which to base and evolve brand marketing.
Finally, stories introduce humanity. They make you think through and act upon a narrative that is fundamentally rooted in human truths. Stories generate empathy. We see ourselves in the tale. Or we see a side of ourselves. Or we see the ‘me’ that we would like to be."
Quais as histórias que conta e contam acerca da oferta da sua empresa?
Ainda ontem numa empresa discutíamos a incoerência do seu site, estilo bombardeamento de promoções, com a essência da empresa, especialista em situações críticas... nem uma estória, e têm tantas, para posicionar, contextualizar e humanizar a sua oferta.
E na sua empresa?
Trechos retirados de "Every Brand Price Point Needs A Story"

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