quinta-feira, dezembro 18, 2014

Acerca do futuro do retalho

Um texto "Making stores matter in a multichannel world" e dois temas.
Primeiro tema:
"But the world has changed. More than half of consumers now research their retail purchases online, making purely in-store purchase decisions the shrinking minority. In many categories, e-commerce has dramatically lessened the need for physical stores. “Virtual space”—which we define as the floor space that would be required to generate the sales volume that online retail now accounts for, at a sales density equivalent to the industry average—is expanding at a staggering rate.
The effects of online migration in the retail industry are evident in every category. In the United States, apparel retailer Gap closed more than 250 stores in 2013; department-store chain Sears closed almost 200. Walmart’s new stores are about a third smaller than they were five years ago.
In the United Kingdom, the number of vacant retail shops rose by 355 percent between 2008 and 2013,1 and in 2013 and 2014, three of the “big four” supermarkets took a combined write-down of £1.2 billion (approximately $2 billion) on the value of their undeveloped property. Perhaps the most affected category has been consumer electronics, where a 20 to 30 percent decline in physical retail space in the UK market between 2006 and 2012 was fully offset by the addition of an equivalent amount of virtual space."
O retalho a nível mundial, como o conhecemos, está a mudar. Lembram-se de como reagiu o comércio tradicional em Portugal à chegada dos centros comerciais?
Muito choradinho, muita pressão sobre as autarquias e outros reguladores da actividade. E pensamento estratégico? E olhar para o desafio, como Clausewitz?
"in the real world there were always at least two opposing or mutually exclusive ways of thinking about something"
 Porque foi mais atraente para os clientes comprar no centro comercial do que no comércio tradicional?
E se em vez do choradinho, o comércio tradicional, empresa a empresa, tivesse abandonado o paradigma anterior, onde muitos foram adormecendo até à morte, e tivesse repensado a sua função, a sua oferta, os seus clientes, o seu espaço, a sua proposta de valor?
O artigo referido lá em cima dá sugestões ao retalho físico, sobre como lidar com o avanço do retalho online:
"But let’s be clear: the brick-and-mortar store is not dead; it just plays a different role now."
Vou apenas referir os vectores de actuação propostos e, recomendo a leitura do sumo:
"Start by redefining the role of the store
Tailor categories and formats accordingly
Optimize the portfolio using forward-looking analytics
Reinvent the in-store shopping experience"

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