quinta-feira, outubro 30, 2014

A estratégia continua a ser importante

Todos os dias encontro exemplos de quão importante é ter uma estratégia e ser capaz de a executar e de a respeitar, todos os dias. E muitas vezes vejo exemplos de desalinhamento estratégico, verdadeiro exterminador de valor:
"Strategy has shrunk. For many firms and even for some prominent strategy consultants, the concept is now nothing more than “just-in-time decision making” or “a few critical initiatives” or other variations on “adaptability.”
Adaptability is important. To use a retailing metaphor: every strategy has a sell-by date and, despite the polemics of adaptability pundits, few have ever denied that. Stability is not a necessary assumption behind the notion of strategy as integrated choice.
So consider why some in your organization might equate strategy with adaptability. Sometimes (often?) it is what people say when they’ve not done their homework about the market or don’t want to commit to tough choices that mean more and less resources for different functions and business units.
Business today, like yesterday, requires choices and tradeoffs, whether or not you acknowledge that within and beyond the C-suite. As a guiding principle, however, adaptability is analytically useless for doing what any coherent strategy must do: specify where we do and don’t play in specific markets and how we propose to win in places where we do choose to play. If your firm doesn’t do this, then over time in a competitive market, one or both of two parties will choose for you: either competitors or (in voting with their feet) customers. Neither group necessarily has your best interests at heart."

Trechos retirados de "There’s No Excuse for Avoiding Strategy"

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