quarta-feira, setembro 10, 2014

Tornar a competição imperfeita, alterando as regras

Para um antigo atleta federado e antigo aficionado das provas de atletismo internacional, para alguém que ainda viu Dick Fosbury competir e, lida com os desafios competitivos das PMEs no dia-a-dia, este artigo "The Innovator’s Question: What Would Fosbury Do?" está muito bem esgalhado:
"Fosbury’s breakthrough took his sport to a new level. He did it not by working harder or developing bigger muscles than his competitors, but by recognizing that a convention of his sport was not a rule.
The same pattern is present in breakthrough innovations in business. Dramatic progress in both macro and micro environments happens when players break rules that aren’t actually rules – in other words, when they rethink assumptions. [Moi ici: Aquele momento especial em que o rato consegue tirar o labirinto que está dentro de si]
“In most real life situations the pieces are not given, we just assume they are there. We assume certain perceptions, certain concepts and certain boundaries.
We who’ve gotten far by playing by the rules or even writing our own as entrepreneurs have an easy time carving our assumptions about our businesses into stone. We become increasingly entrenched in “this is what matters” and “that’s the way it’s done” the longer we invest.
Fosbury recognized that there was no rule in his sport other than “clear the bar” and “jump off of one foot.” He could run from any angle, jump from either foot, twist and flail and land however he wanted. But his peers assumed that the direct approach was the “right” approach, and therefore only made incremental improvement."
Quantas regras, que só existem na nossa cabeça, nos impedem de ir mais além, nos impedem de abordar o desafio do mercado de uma forma diferente e, mais vantajosa para a nossa organização?

Como David ajoelhado, naquele momento em que percebeu que a espada, elmo e armadura de Saúl de nada lhe valeriam, e começou a escolher os seixos do rio, porque já se tinha libertado das regras de combate que ainda aprisionavam os outros.

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