sexta-feira, maio 30, 2014

Porque Mongo vai ainda demorar a chegar

Ao longo dos anos fui descobrindo, e fui percebendo que Portugal não é um país muito diferente dos outros, e que os seus agentes não são nem melhores nem piores que os dos outros países.
Às vezes esqueço-me disso e, por instinto, volto a cair no velho erro de pensar que Portugal é o pior de todos.
Depois, encontro coisas destas:
"In Minnesota, more classroom time is required to become a cosmetologist than to become a lawyer. Becoming a manicurist takes double the number of hours of instruction as a paramedic. In Louisiana, the only state in the country that requires licenses for florists, monks were until recently forbidden to sell coffins because they were not licensed funeral directors.
In the 1970s [Moi ici: Nos Estados Unidos], about 10 percent of individuals who worked had to have licenses, but by 2008, almost 30 percent of the work force needed them.
With this explosion of licensing laws has come a national patchwork of stealth regulation that has, among other things, restricted labor markets, innovation and worker mobility."
Trechos retirados de "Why License a Florist?"

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