sábado, abril 26, 2014

"the energy being devoted by governments ..."

Quase que posso dizer:
- Leram aqui primeiro! Sim, foi neste blogue que primeiro leram sobre as dificuldades que os governos iriam levantar, em conluio com os incumbentes, para barrar a expansão da economia da partilha e do aluguer, para barrar a progressão de Mongo. Recordar "A reacção a Mongo"
Agora na The Economist em "The sharing economy - Remove the roadblocks":
"IT IS not hard to find evidence of the success of the “sharing economy”, in which people rent beds, cars and other underused assets directly from each other, co-ordinated via the internet.
But perhaps the most flattering—and least welcome—indicator of the sharing economy’s rise is the energy being devoted by governments, courts and competitors to thwarting it.
The newcomers’ opponents, whether competitors, officials or worried citizens, complain that the likes of Airbnb and Lyft dodge the rules and taxes that apply to conventional businesses. Regulations exist to keep hotel rooms and kitchens clean and fire alarms in working order, to stop residential areas being pocked with unlicensed hotels, and to see that cabbies are insured, checked for criminality and tested on their knowledge of the streets. Cowboys such as Airbnb, Lyft and Uber, their critics claim, are a danger to an unsuspecting public.
The truth is that most of the rules that the sharing economy is breaking have little to do with protecting the public. The opposition to Lyft and Uber is coming not from customers but from taxi companies, which understand that GPS makes detailed knowledge of the streets redundant and fear cheaper competition."

1 comentário:

Zé de Fare disse...

o artigo é falso quando diz que só os incumbentes protestam... ao primeiro acidente, conforme se viu na américa, estas empresas fogem e não assumem nenhuma responsabilidade. São negócios piratas.

Pelo mesmo raciocínio não vejo nenhum perigo naquela suposta viagem de avião entre a califórnia e o hawai no trem de aterragem.

Mongo é outra coisa completamente diferente.