quinta-feira, abril 03, 2014

Para lá das médias, que só enganam

Um exemplo concreto do que aqui defendemos ano após ano:

  • quem são os clientes-alvo?
  • o que procuram e valorizam?
  • o que oferecer a um cliente-alvo pode não ser o melhor para outro grupo.

"Mobile’s long-term trend is clear: data is rapidly increasing year over year.
Like Western Europe’s people in general, its mobile users are quite a diverse bunch.
the top quartile of Western European mobile users consume a full 75 percent of all mobile data with individual consumption 30 times that of the median and 60 times greater than the 95th percentile. Using averages for marketing purposes and to gain a broader understanding of the customer base can sometimes be misleading. These do not account for the complex underlying usage patterns.
Moving beyond averages.
Both usage diversity and polarization necessitate a more nuanced approach to understanding mobile users for successful marketing, product development, service operations, and other key business functions.
While Traditionalists [Moi ici: Ver no artigo a caracterização de cada um destes segmentos] represent the largest segment by number, they account for only a small share of the data revenue opportunity. Entertainers and Practicals spend about 50 percent more per month than Traditionalists. Omnivores spend 80 percent more. Since value is distributed unequally, many mobile network operators (MNOs) that fail to adopt a sufficiently granular segmentation driven by data usage will not have optimally priced offerings.
Segment-driven products, pricing, and up-sellingGiven the imbalance in data usage and value among smartphone users, MNOs would be well advised to go beyond the traditional “SMS-voicedata” services portfolio and think much more specifically about how to develop offerings that speak directly and powerfully to members in a specific user segment."
Vale a pena ler com atenção "Averages lie: Using smart segmentation to find growth", para, depois, equacionar e fazer o paralelismo com o sector económico de cada um. Que tipo de segmentos podemos considerar? Quem podemos servir com vantagem para ambas as partes? O que oferecer?
Por fim, recordar que a média é um gerador de fantasmas estatísticos.

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