quinta-feira, março 06, 2014

"businesses are designing for the sake of designing"

"Before we can tackle product design or product experiences, we must first recognize the role customers play in our business today and articulate how we envision relationships and experiences evolving over time.
In many ways, experiences take a back seat to engagement. Rather than looking at people and the experience we want them to have, businesses tend to look at new technology as the crux of engagement. However, without defining the experiences that establish how people should think and feel, or what they should do next, engagement will always underperform against expectations.
businesses are designing for the sake of designing, without regard for how someone feels, thinks, or acts as a result."
Conjugar isto com o texto "PMEs insurgentes".
É, de certa forma, o que se passa com os media tradicionais, jornais e TV, estão numa race-to-the-bottom, tal como os insurgentes e o exército americano estão numa escalada tecnológica. É o que leva aos noticiários televisivos de 120 minutos. Um dia, alguém há-de fazer como os insurgentes e sair dessa corrida para voltar a apresentar um noticiário sucinto e profundo...

Trechos retirados de "What's the Future of Business" de Brian Solis.

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