domingo, março 23, 2014

5 recomendações pós-crise

"In any kind of economic, political, or corporate crisis, it's doubly difficult to resist the urge to fight fires. But the reality is that managing for the short-term never breeds greatness. And doing so has left a lot of companies in a tough spot. They survived the crisis, but they don't have the headroom or resources to fuel long-term growth.
Stay true to who you are and resist the urge to chase others
The things that make companies truly great are slow to develop; they can't be built overnight. If they could, they wouldn't be worth very much, because anyone could copy them. The most capable companies know who they are and understand the job they are uniquely qualified to do in the market. They clearly define how they add value to their customers and use their identity to drive growth over the long-term.
Don't wait for customers to tell you what they want—influence them
Instead of chasing growth by responding rapidly to what consumers say they want or need, change the game. Proactively create demand by getting out in front, shaping the wants and redefining the needs of your customers.
Trade benchmarking and best practices for capabilities
If every company focuses on benchmarking and functional excellence (doing the same things better and better), they'll all end up in the same place—fighting for an ever-smaller share of the same market. Instead, spend your efforts building the handful of distinctive capabilities that your company does better than anyone else.
Stop restructuring and put your culture to work
There were a raft of reorganizations during the downturn. All too often, a reorg is really a backdoor attempt to solve a culture problem and reengineer success. Unfortunately, it rarely works because corporate culture is notoriously sticky. Culture always wins when you try to restructure it away or execute strategies that run against it. Instead of fighting your culture, leverage what's great about it and the unique way you get work done and create value for your customers.[Moi ici: A lição de Lincoln]
Invest no matter what—but funnel money where it matters most
Companies make three classic mistakes in their investments. They relentlessly take out costs across the board to improve profitability. They dilute their investment dollars by making bets on dozens of new projects, hoping that one will win. Or they stop investing completely when times get tough. None of these work. The approach that really pays off is to surgically and strategically cut costs. And then redirect money to invest more in the core capabilities that drive your profits. This allows you to cut costs and grow stronger at the same time."

Trechos retirados de "Booz & Company CEO: You survived the financial crisis. Now what?"

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