domingo, fevereiro 16, 2014

Dois tipos de professores

O que é que o professor vulgar ensina?
A responder!
A ter a resposta certa!
"In a curious way, Google is all about answers. So you could say that Google is increasing answers over time, but what's interesting is that answers are becoming cheap; they're almost free, and I think what becomes scarce in this kind of place that we're headed to is questions, a really good question, because a really good question can unleash new questions.                                     .
In a certain sense what becomes really valuable in a world running under Google's reign, are great questions, and that means that for a long time humans will be better at than machines.
Machines are for answers; humans are for questions.
The world that Google is constructing—a world of cheap and free answers - having answers is not going to be very significant or important. Having a really great question will be where all the value is."
O que é que os Professores excepcionais ensinam?
A fazer perguntas! A questionar a realidade! A não aceitar respostas pré-cozinhadas!
Trecho retirado de "A Conversation with Kevin"

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