quarta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2014

Dez lições de um maker (parte I)

Via "O Ofício" cheguei a esta entrevista que, como eles dizem, merece ser lida "Ten Lessons From a Maker by David Hieatt, Hiut Denim Co.".
"Ten Lessons from a Maker
I) No one knows you exist....
II) You are not an artist.
You make things. You make things in order to sell them. The difference between you and an artist is you can’t wait years to be discovered.
You have to make what people want to buy. This is commerce. This is not art.
Selling is good. Employing people is good. Having apprentices is good.
Makers are here to make. Makers are here to sell - Van Gogh had to wait till he died before he sold his first painting. You can’t.
Sales after you die don’t count.
III) Make something that people want to buy.
One good way to make sure people want what you have to make is to do it better than anybody else. Another good way is to design it more beautifully than your rival. But the best way, is to do something that no else is doing. And do it so well, they don’t even try to copy you. (Moi ici: A importância da diferenciação)
IV)  No one goes to bed at night and dreams of quality. (Moi ici: Esta lição é poderosa)
We make one of the best pair of jeans on the planet. And we are very proud of that. But that doesn’t mean that is the best way of selling it.
Quality is what we make. It’s what we stand for. It’s what we believe in. But it is not how we will sell our jeans. People have desires and dreams and you have to learn how to make your product fit into them.
People buy a lifestyle, an image, a purpose, a superiority, part of a small elite club, rejection of the norm. Part of your job will be to understand their desires, and make sure what you make appeals to them.
Your customers go to bed each night and dream their dreams. They dream about changing the world, they dream about starting an amazing company, they dream about all sorts of crazy stuff. But they rarely dream about quality.
Don’t ever compromise on quality. But sell the dream." (Moi ici: Isto, de alguma forma está relacionado com "As empresas devem concentrar-se na experiência e não tanto nos atributos". Os atributos são as especificações, são a qualidade que devemos controlar, mas o que realmente interessa é o sonho, a experiência que ajudamos a viver ao oferecer um recurso que o cliente vai integrar na sua vida)


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