domingo, dezembro 01, 2013

you profit from the value you create, not the margins you make from your suppliers

A propósito de "Chasing the Bottom":

"Capturing margin from your suppliers isn’t an appropriate strategy for service industries businesses (Moi ici: Mas como "Tudo é serviço") where value cannot be—or should not be—captured from down line suppliers. (Moi ici: Recordar "Ver o filme dos últimos anos") In service industry businesses, or businesses that choose a customer intimacy strategy, chasing the bottom and selling price results in a lack of the profit necessary to invest in creating the value their clients expect—and need.
When you sell customer intimacy, when you sell real business results and real value creation, you profit from the value you create, not the margins you make from your suppliers.
Chasing the bottom and selling price has led to greater client churn because the lack of profit has led to a lack of the necessary investment in getting results (Moi ici: Recordar "Pois... e capitalização para investir"") (I don’t have scientific evidence or surveys to prove this, but I have plenty of experience that bears this point out—and I’ll bet you do to)."

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