domingo, dezembro 29, 2013

Ainda sobre contar uma história

A propósito de "É contar uma história", este trecho retirado de "Becoming a Category of One" de Joe Calloway:
"Here’s the toughest question that most companies can’t answer:
What’s your story?
When I ask that question of my clients, and I usually do, I’m generally met by one of these responses: “ I don’t understand the question.” or “We make/sell ___ (fill in the blank with whatever product the company makes/sells).” When met by one of these responses, I broaden the parameters of the question a bit. I ask them to think about what’s important to them, what they’re about, what’s up with them, what the deal is with them, why they come to work every day, what good they are in the world, what is meaningful to them about their work, what they’re proud of, what they stand for, or what the point of all this activity is.
When given these thought - provoking options, they sometimes still respond with “I don’t understand the question.” This means trouble. If they have no sense of what their story is, what’s really important, and what the point of it all is, they are going to find it difficult to compete with a competitor who has figured out these basics. We’re talking about a sense of purpose.
Some companies say that the point is to make money or make a profit. That’s like saying that the point of life is to eat. It’s backwards. Of course you have to eat to stay alive, and you have to make a profit to stay in business, but surely eating or making a profit aren’t the point of it all. Assuming we all agree that making a profit is a good and necessary thing, then perhaps the question to ask is what’s the best way for us to go about making a profit?
Your Story Is Your Culture
The question is whether or not you have a culture by design or by accident, and whether the culture you have is the culture you want.
Your Story Is Your Brand
The brand is, in essence, your story. It’s who you are, what you promise, and your ability to deliver on that promise.
Your Story Is Your Common Focus
most employees have trouble answering the questions “What’s your story?” or “What’s important here?” because it never gets talked about. The reality is that it should be being talked about all the time. It’s the essence of leadership to constantly remind everybody of the story that drives you to do what you do. Sadly, many people with leadership titles confuse leadership with management. Management is about how the organization works. Leadership is about why we’re doing it in the first place and what the point of it all is. Leadership is all about the story."

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