sábado, setembro 28, 2013

"It's more about value"

Este artigo "Did Ronald Coase Get Economics Wrong?" tem uma mensagem que parece retirada deste blogue, com uma linguagem e adjectivos que parecem retirados deste blogue:

  • a paranóía do custo e da eficiência versus o valor;
  • a produção em massa do século XX, a metáfora de Metrópolis ou de Magnitograd, versus a diversidade de Mongo ou do Estranhistão.
"Ronald Coase’s classic theory as to why firms exist is becoming obsolete: we need to move from a rationale of scalable efficiency to one of scalable learning.
20th Century economics: it’s all about costs...
In the 20th Century, firms could generally succeed by pushing products and services at customers with greater efficiency than smaller firms. When business models and strategies were stable over decades, efficiency was the key driver.
21st Century economics: it’s more about value
As the economy steadily shifts from commodities to complex differentiated or personalized products and services, and as power in the marketplace shifts from seller to buyer, the relative importance of adding value to customers as compared to delivering greater internal efficiency has increased.
the primacy of rapid learning as a principal driver of success. The big, slow-moving slow-learning bureaucracies of the 20th Century will be no match for the agile teams, networks and vast ecosystems that are emerging in 21st Century firms.
The issue is agility, not size"
Depois, num comentário, o autor acrescenta:
"A few years ago, I thought that we could make progress in management by pointing to a better way. What I have found is that while these intellectual props of the old way are still around, you can’t effectively communicate the better way. So now I am spending some time demolishing these obsolete intellectual props.
The “raison d’etre of the firm” is one such prop. “Maximizing shareholder value” is another. The “objective financial function of the firm” is another. “Efficiencies of scale” is another. “Bureaucracy is only way to coordinate at scale efficiently” is another. “Efficiency and predictability are the values that make a firm great” is another. Even very smart people still hold these obsolete views as fundamental assumptions."

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