segunda-feira, setembro 23, 2013

Acerca do valor de uma marca e da sua destruição

Na sequência de "3 casos, 3 dúvidas":
"For upscale brands, there is a fine line between “cheaper” and “cheap.” And for Apple, the premium electronics maker, the key is to avoid crossing it.
The addition of a cheaper iPhone could help Apple sell tens of millions more phones. But it could also diminish its reputation as a premium brand.
For Apple, the devil will be in the details: just how much lower the price of the cheaper iPhone is, and just how much cheaper it looks and feels. If the iPhone is deemed cheap, it could get into the hands of so many people worldwide that it loses power as a status symbol and turns Apple into a maker of commodity products like Dell, Hewlett-Packard or Asus.
“There are some customers which we chose not to serve,” Mr. Jobs said."
Trechos retirados de "Luxury Brands Face Hazards When Testing Lower Costs"
Algo esquecido nesta abordagem "iPhone: Não é uma revolução, mas é uma estratégia inteligente"
BTW, algumas empresas, tentam captar mais volume sem mexer no preço mas associando à oferta principal um brinde, estilo "Leve 2 e pague 1", para esses, com as promoções mixirucas. A hotelaria é expert nisso:

Para essas:

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