quarta-feira, agosto 21, 2013

Porque a austeridade é necessária

Porque a austeridade é necessária:
"To describe evolution as “the survival of the fittest” is in a sense accurate but also profoundly misleading. The process of evolution is one of adaptation rather than improvement. (Moi ici: Por favor, voltar atrás e reler várias vezes a frase sublinhada. Agora, façamos o paralelismo entre a Biologia e a Economia... Por que é que a maioria das empresas só muda quando apertada pelas circunstâncias do meio onde está inserida? Porque estão adaptadas a esse meio e só quando ele muda é que verdadeiramente se consegue pôr em marcha o instinto de sobrevivência. E quem diz empresas diz instituições) The Galápagos tortoises survived for millions of years, not because tortoises are the master race, but because they are suited to a location characterised by mud, plentiful vegetation and a dearth of mammalian predators.
The match between capabilities and environment is the key to the success of the tortoise. It is also the key to successful business strategy, the effectiveness of institutions, and to personal development; and the evolutionary mechanisms of adaptation, selection and replication are as much at work in these areas of human activity as on the Galápagos. Evolution is a process of trial and error that receives regular feedback and tends to reproduce success. That is equally a description of how a market economy aligns productive capabilities with consumer needs."
Trecho retirado de "Darwin’s humbling lesson for business"

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