sexta-feira, agosto 30, 2013

Lidar com o modelo de negócio da partilha/aluguer

Faz amanhã 2 anos que usei aqui no blogue pela primeira vez o marcador "aluguer" para caracterizar os modelos de negócio baseados não na posse mas no acesso através do aluguer. BTW, em Janeiro de 2012 comecei a usar outro marcador, "partilha", para caracterizar o mesmo tema.
Quando penso nos desenvolvimentos, nas consequências decorrentes de uma adopção generalizada desses tipo de modelos de negócio, vejo facilmente:
"Sharing has some stark implications for business. Overall demand for first-time purchases may shrink for products that consumers can use communally. The million people carmakers sold to last year can now rent to their neighbors, becoming a de facto million new competitors. Sharing platforms also allow for almost infinite product variation. Hotels, for example, now face hundreds of unique competitors at every price point, offering everything from couches to penthouse suites. The cumulative effect may be to shrink markets and narrow margins."
Menos empregos, menos impostos, analistas ludibriados pelas estatísticas, pois continuarão a ler os números da mesma maneira apesar da realidade ter mudado, menos pegada ambiental.
O que raramente equaciono é esta possibilidade para as empresas:
"The real opportunity for product companies will be to evolve an array of services to increase the value that consumers (and those they share with) gain from using their products, for example, building in the ability to disengage a car’s security system via smart phone to allow private car-sharing.  This can expand the scope of interaction with consumers, moving from a narrow buy/sell transaction to a long-term relationship over the entire user experience. In the process, companies can gain more data and insight about the usage of their products.
Astute companies will have an opportunity to evolve from product/service vendor to trusted advisors who show consumers how to maximize the value of the products and services they are using. Trusted advisors will benefit from powerful economies of scope: the more they know about users, the more helpful they can become."
E faz todo o sentido.
Trechos retirados de "What the Sharing Economy Means for Business"

2 comentários:

CCz disse...

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