terça-feira, agosto 20, 2013

E o que faz a sua empresa?

Esta introdução:
"The story of Blackberry underlines a new truth about the competitive landscape we live in: success or failure isn't a function of a good product or service, or a well-run, cost effective company with a sound capital structure. It also requires an effective strategy to manage your ecosystem.
This was Blackberry's failure. The company had become complacent about its remarkably loyal customers and didn't recognize the threat posed by rival ecosystems."
E mais à frente este pormenor:
"We find that firms that succeed are those that proactively manage the structure of their sectors and keep a set of suppliers working for them in hierarchical, closed supplier networks.
The solution is not to be vertically integrated but, rather, to control by managing differentiability — i.e., being the actor along the value chain who guarantees the product quality and shapes the experience — as well as manage the replaceability of other actors along the value chain."
E recordo logo o uso neste blogue dos marcadores "ecossistema", "cadeia da procura" e "circuito da procura", ou do termo "ecossistema da procura" (aqui também)... e na abordagem de considerar os mercados como configurações:
"We suggest that a way for market actors to deal with the subjectivity of markets is to conceptualize them as configurations, a construct similar to “business ecosystems”."
 E de escrever o guião do mercado:
"markets are socially constructed, subjective realities that can be altered by different actors in the market.
This paper builds on the foundational propositions of the S-D logic and takes as its starting point the following assumptions: (1) markets consist of networks of market actors, (2) markets are social constructions co-created by market actors, and (3) markets are resource integrators aiming at the co-creation of value."
O que é que a sua empresa faz para alterar em seu benefício a configuração do mercado em que actua?

Trechos retirados de "Blackberry Forgot to Manage the Ecosystem"

1 comentário:

CCz disse...

Há bocado, a preparar uns acetatos para uma acção de formação para Setembro, dei de caras com esta citação de Hermann Simon:
“Não aceitar definições de mercado como um dado adquirido mas considerar a definição do mercado como parte da estratégia. Focar e concentrar. Evitar distracções.”
Retirada de Manage for Profit not for Market Share