quinta-feira, maio 16, 2013

"future-back" approach to strategy"

Começar pelo fim é uma receita que sigo há muito tempo

Gosto de usar a metáfora da corda ninja, para a lançar até ao futuro desejado para "Fazer uma excursão até ao Futuro Imaginado" e, depois, usá-la para voltar ao presente e mudar a realidade actual para a converter na realidade do futuro desejado. É a grande diferença entre empurrar para a frente, para o desconhecido, para um futuro e, puxar a partir do futuro desejado. Podemos estar no presente fisicamente e ser puxados por nós próprios no futuro desejado... recordar Ortega y Gasset.
Por isso, gostei desta reflexão:
"Organizations should have their moonshots. They're a keystone of what we call a "future-back" approach to strategy, which unlike the "present forward" nature of most strategic-planning processes, doesn't operate under the assumption that tomorrow will be pretty much like today, and the day after pretty much more of the same. In stable times, present-forward approaches help optimize resource allocation. But in turbulent times, these approaches can lead companies to miss critical market inflection points.
At the heart of the future-back process is a consensus view of your company's desired future state.This isn't scenario planning, where you consider a range of possibilities. This is putting a stake in the ground — specifying what you want your core business to look like, what adjacent markets you want to edge into, and the moonshots you'll try for.
A good moonshot has three ingredients. First, it inspires.
Second, it is credible.
Finally, it is imaginative. It isn't an obvious extrapolation of what's happening today ... but something that offers a meaningful break from the past.

Trechos retirados de "What a Good Moonshot Is Really For"

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