sexta-feira, abril 12, 2013

Cuidado com as melhores práticas

No ambiente de mudança em que vivemos e, registado neste postal "Escrito nas estrelas" e continuado em "Viragem no sourcing – Parte 2", de certeza que muitas práticas estabelecidas ficaram obsoletas e passaram a ser mais prejudiciais do que benéficas:
"Companies identify best practices, particularly those of market leaders, and try to implement them. Such benchmarking has a role to play in business, but I’m not exactly a fan of the process. (Moi ici: Não há melhores práticas) It may allow enterprises to catch up with competitors, but it won’t turn them into market leaders. Organizations become winners by spotting big opportunities and inventing next practices
Next practices are all about innovation: imagining what the future will look like; identifying the mega-opportunities that will arise; and building capabilities to capitalize on them.
If you look for ways to develop next practices, opportunities abound. In fact, executives are constrained not by resources but by their imagination."
Trechos retirados de "Best Practices Get You Only So Far"

"Most companies follow "best practices." Often, these are practices that most firms in their line of business have been following for many years, leading people in the industry to assume that it is simply the best way of doing things.
One reason why a practice's inefficiency may be difficult to spot is because when it came into existence, it was beneficial — like broadsheet newspapers once made sense. But when circumstances have changed and it has become inefficient, nobody remembers, and because everybody is now doing it, it is difficult to spot that doing it differently would in fact be better.
with all the best intentions, executives often implement what is considered a "best practice" in their industry. What they do not know is that some of these practices are bad habits masquerading as efficiency boosters, their real consequences lying hidden."
BTW, muito interessante a história sobre a origem e persistência do formato "broadsheet" nos jornais.

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