quarta-feira, março 27, 2013

Cuidado com os defensores dos mitos

Um excelente texto, "When myths triumph over metrics", sobre a importância de ter um algoritmo (uma estratégia para a tomada de decisões), de estabelecer formas menos subjectivas (indicadores) de análise dos resultados reais versus os resultados desejados e rever o algoritmo.
"Making decisions based on data does not guarantee success every time. It only gives you a reproducible and refinable system that helps you make better and informed decisions based only on metrics you set forth and devoid of any cognitive biases. The system can be simple or complex. Use as few variables or as many as possible. Could be deterministic or probabilistic. It is far superior to decisions based on myths.
Recognize the reproducibility of metrics driven approach and our ability to continuously question the data and keep refining it.
Recognize the fact that there were many thousands that filled out the bracket using their own myths and biases and just by sheer luck some are going to be correct. We cannot treat their success of those standing as triumph of gut over mind."
Curiosamente sinto que os media dão cada vez mais espaço de  opinião a crentes e defensores de mitos.

"Vítor Gaspar apresentou a implementação do programa como um sucesso, mas admitiu que, "para ser transparente", tinha de explicar que "nem tudo aconteceu de acordo com o planeado.""

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