segunda-feira, fevereiro 11, 2013

A billion little entrepreneurial opportunities

Cory Doctorow escreveu um livro de ficção científica chamado "Makers" onde se pode ler este poema dedicado a Mongo:
“Capitalism is eating itself. The market works, and when it works, it commodifies or obsoletes everything. That’s not to say that there’s no money out there to be had, but the money won’t come from a single, monolithic product line. The days of companies with names like ’General Electric’ and ’General Mills’ and ’General Motors’ are over. The money on the table is like krill: a billion little entrepreneurial opportunities that can be discovered and exploited by smart, creative people."

1 comentário:

CCz disse...

Think small – Small is the new big

Small companies: Embrace risk, are urgent, create new ideas, are bottom-up, idea centric, nimble and have a fire in the belly

Big companies: Avoid risk, are slow moving, protect old ideas, are top-down, rules centric, bureaucratic and complacent.

Now I personal think that Josh has made a mass generalization – and that all small business and all big business are not all of these things. There is not doubt however it is easier to be innovative in a small business than a larger one.