quinta-feira, agosto 16, 2012

Lembretes acerca da diversidade de estratégias

Para os que têm "a receita" para a economia, para os que pensam que os governos deviam prescrever "a estratégia" que os agentes económicos deviam seguir:
"When a business is confronted by a set of competitors in a given (strategic) ecosystem, one may ask whether there is one unique optimal strategy (and associated business model) available to the business in order to earn sustained economic rents that are sufficient to satisfy investors.
there are multiple routes to sustained competitive advantage, and multiple associated business models (rather like the existence of several competing organisms in the same ecosystem).
The possibility of a plurality of successful business models within a given strategic ecosystem arises from (i) the heterogeneous nature of the fine structure of the economic interface between businesses and customers, as well as (ii) the heterogeneous deployment of resources by businesses competing in the ecosystem resulting from earlier deliberate and emergent differences in the strategies of the businesses concerned.
It is wrong to think that there is a single optimal configuration of the business model solely determined by (i) the external characteristics of the ecosystem within which the business competes together with (ii) the salient descriptive characteristics of the customers who buy the products or services concerned. Those who would espouse such a view naively place too much confidence in the power of classical optimisation methods.
It follows, instead, that the choice of an effective business model (that is one which delivers sustained economic returns sufficient to satisfy investors) of competitor A is therefore not necessarily the same as the choice of an effective business model for a different competitor B in the same ecosystem. A and B have different histories, paths and destinies. ... given a set of resource constraints, an assessment of ecosystem structural attractiveness and an identified set of likely competitors, there is no single dominant choice of business model upon which success, in the form of sustained economic rents sufficient for investors, is predicated. Instead, there are nearly always several different routes to success for a business. Note that the existence of multiple routes does not of itself confer success: besides choosing a promising business model, a business has to implement it effectively."
Para os que são tentados a copiar o que o vizinho fez porque parece que está a dar resultado:
"For both individuals and businesses, one very common source of failure to achieve satisfactory rents, human or economic, stems from the inability to pursue a consistent and coherent strategy on a sustained basis. Very often, individuals and businesses pursue contradictory or disconnected courses of action, with corresponding unsatisfactory results."
Trechos retirados de "Astute Competition - The Economics of Strategic Diversity" de Peter Johnson.

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