quarta-feira, julho 04, 2012

Mais umas pinceladas sobre Mongo

"How Open Source Hardware Is Driving the 3D-Printing Industry":
"Making it easier, faster and cheaper to produce physical objects could fundamentally shift the manufacturing paradigm. As 3D printing, powered by Arduino and other open source technologies, becomes more prevalent, economies of scale become much less of a problem. A 3D printer can print a few devices - or thousands - without significant retooling, pushing upfront costs to near-zero.
This is what The Economist calls the “Third Industrial Revolution,” where devices and things can be made in smaller, cleaner factories with far less overhead and - significantly - less labor."
“Offshore production is increasingly moving back to rich countries not because Chinese wages are rising, but because companies now want to be closer to their customers so that they can respond more quickly to changes in demand.”
"Manufacturer Quirky finds China not always cheapest":
"Kaufman has been contracting with Chinese factories since 2005, when he started his first company making iPod accessories. Back then, Chinese manufacturers "fought hard" for his business, but they have since grown "cocky," he says."

2 comentários:

CCz disse...


Esgroviado disse...

mais um site sobre 3d printers, desta feita "3D Printed Strvct Shoes"