quinta-feira, dezembro 22, 2011

Co-criação de propostas de valor

Uma vantagem da aprendizagem do auto-didacta é que quando descobre, ou quando emerge na sua consciência, a importância de um tema, a sua mente está receptiva a sorvê-lo. E, talvez por isso, de repente começa a descobrir esse tema em todo o lado... parece que eles vêm ter consigo.
Ainda há dias escrevi sobre as propostas de valor recíprocas, a propósito de um artigo de 2008 de Ballantyne que li muito recentemente.
Pois bem, esta semana aproveitei a disponibilização ao público dos papers apresentados na conferência OTAGO 3 na nova Zelândia para ler "Introducing the concept of a value proposing platform: A practice-centric view of value cocreation" de David Sörhammar e Christian Kowalkowski:
"It has theoretically been argued that value propositions are not predefined by firms, but are jointly crafted and established in interactive processes of reciprocal communication. This dialog facilitates a process in which the value perspectives of interdependent resource‐integrating actors become linked through interactions, recognizing that not only sellers but also customers can initiate value propositions. Hence, a value proposition is defined as a reciprocal promise of value, operating between resource integrating actors seeking an equitable exchange. (Moi ici: Cá estão as propostas de valor recíprocas... cá está a justificação para o armadilhar, cá está a justificação para o pensar que, assim como o cliente escolhe o fornecedor, o fornecedor pode/deve escolher o cliente. Como aprendi com Terry Hill: as encomendas mais importantes são as que se rejeitam)
the cocreation of a value proposition in practice is conditioned both by the activities taking place on the value proposing platform and by elements that are external to the resource‐integrating participants’ dialogue. ... As the value proposing platform both delimits and enables participation in a cocreative practice, it is crucial for managers to thoroughly reflect on what a proper outline of a value proposing platform is in each cocreative endeavor. (Moi ici: "Value proposing platform"... há dias, numa acção de formação perguntaram-me "Qual é a sua finalidade para a acção como formador? Pensei logo na diversidade de expectativas dos formandos... diferentes sectores, diferentes economias, diferentes experiências, diferentes histórias, diferentes desafios... um formador e uma acção de formação... uma plataforma para tentar ir ao encontro de muitas expectativas e histórias pessoais)
A fundamental viewpoint within S‐D logic is that firms cannot deliver value unilaterally but can only facilitate the creation of value through initiating or participating in developing value propositions, since value is always determined by the beneficiary and is subjectively measured as value‐in‐use. (Moi ici: Este período é fundamental. Não há valor acrescentado... só valor acrescentado em potencial. Por mais trabalho que se incorpore numa oferta... se ela não tiver valor para um cliente... não vale nada) Thus, an essential argument is that firms ought to approach the creation of value with a cocreative mindset.
The common denominator within these streams of literature is their illustration of the phenomenon of value creation as a process taking place in larger value‐configuration spaces, involving several value creating networks. (Moi ici: "Several value creating networks"... os many to many de Gummesson, a porta aberta para as jogadas não lineares... e a explosão de combinações que gera Mongo)
value constellations are configurations of firms and customers who are linked through a coordinated set of activities with the purpose of creating value. In accordance with the move from value chains to value constellations, Prahalad and Ramaswamy discuss the necessity for firms to have robust “experience networks” in order to take the step away from the firm‐centric supply chain view. Experience networks are discussed as formations of firms who strive towards providing individual customers with experience environments in which value is cocreated. (Moi ici: Isto é pura poesia... uma frase simples, enxuta que encerra em si o essencial: a criação de um conjunto de experiências durante o uso, que fazem emergir a sensação de valor junto do cliente. O valor não é criado no acto de compra, no acto de troca. No acto de troca, troca-se dinheiro por uma expectativa de valor futuro durante o uso. Só a experiência de uso pode servir de confirmação, ou não, da expectativa)
Cocreated value being embedded in personalized experiences implies that value propositions are not predefined by the firm but, rather, jointly crafted and established in interactive processes of reciprocal communication. Hence, unidirectional communication is replaced by dialog, facilitating a process in which the value perspectives of interdependent resource‐providing parties become linked in reciprocal promises. (Moi ici: "unidirectional communication is replaced by dialog"... quantas empresas dialogam com os seus clientes? Nem a Apple, nem o Continente o fazem... poucas, muito poucas o fazem)
The cocreative practice of crafting and establishing a value proposition means that the value proposition becomes a starting point for negotiation with participating resource‐providing actors and if the parties involved wish it, a reciprocal promise is cocreated over time.
the freedom users have to apply their knowledge with the purpose of developing a firm’s products and services, either individually or collectively. The solution space is in turn conditioned by what is called the firm‐constructed design limit; a firm’s prerequisites for, and decisions about, users’ freedom to individually and collectively innovate. Thus, the firm‐constructed design limit can be seen as establishing the platform upon which cocreation of innovation emerges. Cova et al. (2011) have recently argued that the platform, on which consumer practices can take place, is pivotal for cocreation of value as it frees creativity and know‐how of consumers, and channels their activities in the direction desired by the firm.
an agora that enables the development of a value proposition that is crafted and established through dialog between resource‐integrating participants who apply their knowledge and competence, and who consider, adapt and adopt the knowledge and competence having been applied by the other participants.
Cocreation of a value proposition is thus conditioned by the value proposing platform in that it delineates – both delimiting and enabling – the cocreative practice. (Moi ici: "both delimiting and enabling" uma proposta de valor co-criada resulta de uma trade-off. As restrições e constrangimentos aceites definem para quem trabalhar e com que vantagens. Definem também, para quem não trabalhar)
the value proposing platform constitutes the delimitations an instigator outlines at the initiation of a cocreative endeavor. The platform is that which enables participation from resource‐instigators, and is as such crucial for the entire cocreative endeavor. Managers ought to strive towards finding a suitable balance in the outline of the value proposing platform as regards its openness; a too open platform could enable a dialogue that will not lead to that the instigator’s wants and needs are satisfied, whereas a too closed outline means that the possibility for the other participants to satisfy their wants and needs are reduced. Thus, managers outlining a value proposing platform must clearly establish its boundaries by framing and explicating the wants and needs vis‐à‐vis the cocreative endeavor of the firm that they represent."

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