terça-feira, agosto 23, 2011

Competir não pelos custos mas pelo valor

Ontem à noite, numa troca de Direct Messages no Twitter, tentei explicar o que faço (hummm, tenho de escrever um postal sobre isso) e, a certa altura, escrevi: "Ajudo as empresas a competirem não pela redução de custos mas pelo aumento do valor"
Hoje de manhã, encontro dois artigos de Steve Denning que vão ao encontro dessa ideia:
1."Accountants: Accountants need to get beyond the mental prison of cost accounting and embrace the thinking in throughput accounting that puts the emphasis on how companies can add new value, rather than just cutting costs."
2."Making decisions based on a cost-accounting mindset would be like making decisions in a football game based on numbers of yards gained by the opposition rather than focusing who wins the game. It would result in a one-dimensional defensive mindset in which scoring points and winning the game become irrelevant. It would annoy the fans, frustrate the players, and ultimately create a losing team."
3."Developed economies and their companies will always lose out to the emerging economies and their companies if the battle is fought on the basis of lowering cost (which is where traditional management generally tries to compete.) (Moi ici: Esta é a minha constante mensagem neste blogue mas que é abafada pelos políticos e académicos encalhados em modelos arcaicos)
Developed economies and their companies can only win in the long run if they compete on the basis of adding more value, through superior understanding and mastery of the world of the customer (which requires a radically different kind of management). (Moi ici: Claro que implica uma nova forma de pensar, de pensar em valor, valor que emerge durante a experiência de uso dos clientes, de pensar em proposta de valor para clientes-alvo)
Claro que não é uma mensagem fácil... é o caminho menos percorrido...
Trechos retirados de:
BTW, a Part 4 chama a atenção para outra ideia deste blogue: A importância da proximidade!!! Basta procurar o marcador "proximidade"!
"Taking advantage of location
Location matters, but then, so does management. These regions are flourishing because of the focus on innovation. If the firms in these locations ever succumb to the traditional management preoccupations of efficiency, cutting costs and the outsourcing death-spiral, these promising industrial hubs will die as quickly as they have been born."

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