quarta-feira, junho 15, 2011

Quais as experiências valorizadas e procuradas?

Com o tempo, como já referi algumas vezes aqui no blogue, evoluí no entendimento que dou à palavra "proposta de valor".
Aprendi a usar a palavra com Tracy & Wiersema em "The Discipline of Market Leaders".
Ao fim de algum tempo, a trabalhar com PMEs, percebi que as propostas de valor puras são situações limite, e excluindo a situação do preço mais baixo, são pouco úteis para uma empresa em concreto.
Foi daí que aterrei na etapa seguinte. Esqueçam propostas de valor à priori, primeiro, quem são os clientes-alvo?
A progressão seguinte foi passar da questão "Como satisfazer os clientes-alvo?", para aquela que sigo há cerca de 2 anos "Quais são as experiências que os clientes-alvo procuram e valorizam?"
Assim, é reconfortante perceber que é esse o conselho de quem dedica a sua vida a estudar o fenómeno da criação de valor.
Em "Managing the co-creation of value" de Adrian F. Payne, Kaj Storbacka & Pennie Frow, publicado por J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2008) 36:83–96, encontro:
"Significantly, they point to the emergence of a new logic for value creation where value is embedded in personalized experiences, noting, “early experimenters are moving away from the old industry model that sees value as created from goods and services to a new model where value is created by experiences”"
"Korkman argues that value is embedded in customers’ practices and that this value can be enhanced through positive interventions or further development. The supplier’s motivation should be to improve these customer practices in order to build value for the customer and a more valuable role for itself in the customer’s activities.
The importance of recognizing customer processes rests with the need to develop a full understanding of where a supplier’s offering fits within the customer’s overall activities."
E agora algo de verdadeiramente difícil, mudar o ponto de observação e a perspectiva com que se observa:
"In traditional business strategy models, suppliers make decisions and choices about which core business or product category they should be operating in. The view is clearly inside–out, as it is based largely on the understanding of current organizational competencies. In S-D logic, business strategy starts by understanding the customer’s value creating processes and selecting which of these processes the supplier wishes to support. The positioning within the customer’s processes defines the support and thus the scope of the value proposition. Planning for co-creation is outside – in as it starts from an understanding of the customer’s value-creating processes, and aims at providing support for better co-creation of value. Value co-creation demands a change in the dominant logic for marketing from ‘making, selling and servicing’ to ‘listening, customizing and co-creating’. It is also cross-functional: It assumes and requires alignment between those organizational functions which make the customer promise and those which deliver the customer promise."
"Marketing messages should be based on a clear articulation of the value proposition."
BTW, a revista "Industrial Marketing Management" publica este mês "Value propositions as communication practice: Taking a wider view" de David Ballantyne, Pennie Frow, Richard Varey e Adrian Payne.

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