sexta-feira, junho 24, 2011

Formular uma estratégia

Um balanced scorecard reúne um conjunto de indicadores.
Como transformar esses indicadores em algo de accionável?
Richard Rumelt dá uma ajuda em "On Goals an Strategy":
"The executives want to develop strategy, but first mistakenly try to agree on the overall goals of the company. Agreement on broad universal goals is easy but uninformative. Searching for something concrete, senior executives finally impose some arbitrary metrics, like a 15% after-tax return on capital and a 12% annual rate of growth. The group now tries to identify “strategies” for achieving these goals.
a strategy is not a plan for reaching an arbitrary goal. A strategy structures the situation, providing guidance as to how to best use the resources and insights available. Useful strategic objectives are not simply the echo of ambition; they reflect an understanding of the forces at work and seek a balance between what is desired and what is possible.
Economists will tell you that the goal of the corporation is to maximize profit, or value, but this statement is equally empty of actionable implications. Yet, if someone was more specific, arguing that the company should seek to be the leader in advanced rotary engines, we quickly realized that such a “goal” was actually an extremely powerful decision about where to allocate resources.
When we do strategy work it is natural to remind ourselves of our broad goals. But it is also important to remind ourselves that broad goals can never tell us what to do.
Specific goals, like grow the GNP by 3 percent next year, or earn more than 15 percent on capital, may seem more “practical” in that they are concrete. But such performance goals still do not tell us what to do and they can actually damage further strategy work. Real strategy work looks beneath the surface of performance measures and attempts to discern underlying causes—the trends, opportunities, and threats that will shape performance in years to come.

After we have reminded ourselves of our broad goals and values, real strategy work begins by examining changes. Strategy may in the service of our desires, but its practical shape is always determined by our insights into how to cope with change—with our diminishing effectiveness in some activities, with the opening of new avenues of activity, and with new modes of operating and of competing."
A mossa metodologia não parte de resultados financeiros desejados, parte da razão de ser, parte do propósito da organização: servir os elementos-chave da cadeia da procura.
É daqui que nasce o mapa da estratégia. E é do mapa da estratégia que surgem os indicadores e a operacionalização da estratégia em acções concretas.

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