segunda-feira, maio 30, 2011

“Communication is the economy.”

Recortes retirados de um artigo com mais de 10 anos mas que continua actual "Innovating Our Way to the Next Industrial Revolution de Peter M. Senge e Goran Carstedt":
… in the world that is emerging, “Communication is the economy.” (Moi ici: Isto faz-me lembrar isto “Os ignorantes só percebem do preço)
From Things to the Value Provided by Things “Production is increasingly not where value is created,” (Moi ici: Isto custa a entrar na cabeça dos políticos, macro-economistas, académicos e associações empresariais. Marx estava errado! Não é a quantidade de trabalho que dita o valor de um bem na mente de um potencial cliente) says Ting Ho, vice president of strategy for global-logistics Internet startup Zoho. “The traditional company produced something that it then had to sell. Today, we must understand a customer and serve a genuine need.” (Moi ici: Isto é, temos de começar pela procura, não pela produção ou pela cadeia de fornecimento, temos de começar pela restrição: pelos clientes-alvo)
At the heart of the industrial-age growth machine was a kind of mass hypnosis — convincing consumers that happiness meant owning a new thing. A new washing machine. A new computer. A new car. However, people do not want a hunk of steel in the driveway. They want the benefits it provides —whether they are tangible benefits like transport or intangible benefits like freedom or fun.
What does it mean to create new business models on the basis of that understanding?
The shift from “the value is in the stuff” to “the value is in the service the stuff provides” also may lead to a radical shift in the concept of ownership. Swiss industry analyst Walter Stahel and chemist Braungart have proposed that, in the future, producers will own what they produce forever and therefore will have strong incentives to design products to be disassembled and remanufactured or recycled, whichever is more economical. Owning products forever would represent a powerful step toward changing companies' attitudes about product discard.
Such ideas signal a radical shift in business models, one that will not come easily. It starts with how a company thinks of itself in relation to its customers: as a producer of things people buy or a provider of services through products made and remade?
From Producers and Consumers to Cocreators of Value (Moi ici: Confesso que ainda não tinha lido este artigo quando escrevi isto “Valor bruto originado através da co-criação cliente-fornecedor) Focusing on the services provided by products also shifts the very meaning of “customer.” Customers are no longer passive; they are cocreators of value(Moi ici: Os clientes há muito que deixaram de ser passivos, a partir do momento em que existe excesso de oferta eles podem fazer escolhas. Uma escolha é um prémio, e premeiam quem mais os favorece)Thirty years ago, futurist Alvin Toffler coined the term “prosumer,” people who actively participate in generating the value they derive from any product. “Today, prosumers are everywhere,” says Kelly, “from restaurants where you assemble your own dinner to medical self-care arenas, where you serve as doctor and patient.” As Kelly says, the essence of prosumerism today is that “customers have a hand in the creation of the product.”

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