sábado, abril 09, 2011


Quando facilito o exercício de desenvolvimento de um mapa da estratégia numa empresa:
Facilito a criação de uma ferramenta que facilita a comunicação.
Com base no mapa da estratégia, é possível contar uma história que faz sentido. É possível mostrar como é que cada um contribui para o sucesso do todo. É possível alinhar, sintonizar, concentrar as pessoas, as acções, os recursos, os investimentos, as prioridades, as atenções, as motivações num rolo compressor imparável rumo ao futuro desejado.
Um mapa da estratégia permite contar uma história. Uma história que reúne várias pessoas e diferentes níveis temporais, uma história com um argumento forte, uma história com personagens de carne e osso.
Tudo isto encaixa bem com a mensagem deste artigo "The Art of the Business Narrative":
"S+B: The basic premise of your book — that behind every great business endeavor is a great story — is not obvious at first glance.
GUBER: That’s because business is often seen as a purely rational act: marshaling facts and figures to get someone to buy your product or service. (Moi ici: Nancy Duarte em Resonate escreve "Facts are one type of content to collect – but they’re not the only type needed to create a successful presentation. Facts alone are not sufficient to persuade. Stating fact after fact in an hour-long presentation doesn’t signal to the audience why these facts are important. Use emotions as a tool to bring emphasis to the facts so they stand out. If you don’t, you’re making the audience work too hard to identify the decision they are to make. Staying flat and factual might work in a scientific report but simply won’t work for the oral delivery of persuasive content.
People are more conditioned to generate content from their heads. Yet it’s from the more emotional region that hunches, hypotheses, and passions are generated – big ideas need those too. ... So far, you’ve generated and collected ideas. Now you’ll give those ideas meaning. The structure and significance of stories transforms information from static and flat to dynamic and alive. Stories reshape information into meaning. Trying to persuade by stating the features and specifications of your subject matter, product, or philosophy is meaningless – until you add a human to the mix. Stories help an audience visualize what you do or what you believe; they make others’ hearts more pliable. Sharing experiences in the form of a story creates a shared experience and visceral connection. Stories are the currency of human relationships"
) But although information, data, and analytics are important to support any proposition, they are unmemorable in and of themselves. If you really want to create fans of your business who will become apostles and advocates for you, you have to use a narrative. That’s the way people are wired."
"In business, by contrast, the story is told for an explicit purpose. You tell it to encourage the other person to see the value proposition you’re offering, and to make that person want to be part of it. Without that story, you have only transactional elements and no relationship. Transactions happen only once; repeat business requires relationships.
I said, “We are also a disparate group of people, from different businesses — television, theater, distribution, everything. But we’ve got to become one tribe. So our cry will be: Aqaba!” We gave out little pictures of O’Toole as Lawrence pondering in the desert as a reminder of the story of pulling together. Today, the company is still there. All the other motion picture companies that were bought by foreign enterprises are gone. At the time, I didn’t know what I was doing. I did it instinctively. Now, I do it deliberately, (Moi ici: É a isto que eu chamo fazer batota, a esta acção deliberada que parece natural) which is about 5,000 times easier."

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