terça-feira, abril 26, 2011

Algumas verdades

Esta linguagem assim, crua, directa, sem paninhos quentes falta na nossa sociedade de coitadinhos e deolindeiros:

* Tradition is not a business model. The past is no longer a reliable guide to future success.

* “Should” is not a business model. You can say that people “should” pay for your product but they will only if they find value in it.

* “I want to” is not a business model. My entrepreneurial students often start with what they want to do. I tell them, no one — except possibly their mothers — gives a damn what they *want* to do.

* Virtue is not a business model. Just because you do good does not mean you deserve to be paid for it.

* Business models are not made of entitlements and emotions. They are made of hard economics. Money has no heart. (Moi ici: Aqui não concordo, um modelo de negócio é emoção, é coração, é relações amorosas. Como diz a frase ali na coluna das citações "Value it's a feeling not a calculation")

* Begging is not a business model. It’s lazy to think that foundations and contributions can solve news’ problems. There isn’t enough money there. (Foundation friend to provide figures here.)

* There is no free lunch. Government money comes with strings. (Moi ici: Uma relação pedo-mafiosa que cobra juros muito altos)

* No one cares what you spent. Arguing that news costs a lot is irrelevant to the market.

* The only thing that matters to the market is value. What is your service worth to the public?

* Value is determined by need. What problem do you solve?

* Some readers are not worth saving. One newspaper killed its stock tables, saved $1 million, and lost 12 subs. That means it had been paying $83k/year to maintain those readers. In creating business plans, the net future value of readers should be calculated and maximized. (Moi ici: Quem são os clientes-alvo? O que procuram o que valorizam? Foco, foco, foco)

* Disruption is the law of the jungle and the internet. If someone can do what you do cheaper, better, faster, they will. (Moi ici: Mais uma razão para focar, focar, focar)

* Disrupt thyself. So find your weak underbelly before someone else discovers it. Or find someone else’s.
* The bottom line matters more than the top line. Plan for profitability over revenue, sustainability over size."

2 comentários:

ematejoca disse...

Evito comentar sobre economia, coisa de que não percebo patavina; mas a actual sociedade portuguesa repleta de coitadinhos e deolindeiros enerva-me de tal maneira, que gostava de ver no poder verdadeiros economistas, que melhorassem a situação financeira do meu país, país que ainda amo apesar de tudo.

CCz disse...

Já vou ter consigo ao azul, só para registar: a Economia é demasiado importante para ficar entregue a economistas.