quinta-feira, março 31, 2011

Exploração versus exploração

Um texto que dá para reflectir um pouco:
"The pursuit of a sustainable advantage has long been the focus of strategy. But advantages last only until competitors have duplicated or outmaneuvered them. ... protecting advantages has become increasingly difficult. Once the advantage is copied or overcome, it is no longer an advantage. It is now a cost of doing business. Ultimately the innovator will only be able to exploit its advantage for a limited period of time before its competitors launch a counterattack. With the launch of this counterattack, the original advantage begins to erode, and a new initiative is needed.
Of course, if companies can extend these plateaus of sustainable advantage, they can reap profits. So what is the harm of trying to sustain an advantage for as long as possible? In an environment in which advantages are rapidly eroded, sustaining advantages can be a distraction from developing new ones. It is like shoveling sand against the tide rather than moving on to higher ground. (Moi ici: Quando ocorre uma mudança estrutural num mercado, os apoios e subsídios apenas adiam o inevitável. Por isso, são recursos desperdiçados. Talvez o mais importante deles todos seja o tempo, seja a atenção. Se o tempo é alocado a defender o passado e o presente apenas, como criar o futuro? Se só se explora (exploitation) o presente, quem explorará (exploration) o futuro)
Trying to sustain an existing advantage is a harvest strategy rather than a growth strategy. It is designed to milk what assets you have now rather than to seek new assets to build on. Even in high-growth markets old advantages based on old assets may not be ones that will be the source of future success. A strategy of sustaining the advantage created by your existing assets creates a danger of complacency and gives competitors time to catch up and become strong
The declining power of brands, described above, may be a result of firms seeking to sustain their static competitive strategies. Companies have rested upon the sustainable advantage of brand equity rather than building new advantages." (Moi ici: É a isto que chamo: marcas falidas. Marcas que vivem da herança e já não rasgam)
Trecho retirado de "Hypercompetition" de Richard D'Aveni.

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