quarta-feira, novembro 24, 2010

Volume is vanity, Profit is sanity

Ontem, enquanto conversava com alguém que me contava os problemas da sua empresa, a minha mente não resistiu a recordar esta reflexão de Scott McKain no seu livro "Collapse of Distinction":
""That may be the most foolish phrase I have ever seen at a business meeting."
The theme of the other organization's conference was "Sales Cure Everything!"
If your organization isn't serving your customers well, do more sales cure that problem? Of course not.
If your company cannot retain good employees because it lacks the clarity necessary to create distinction, do more sales cure that? Absolutely not.
If you cannot make your product stand out in the marketplace, and you slice your price - selling more, but earning significantly less - does that cure everything for you and your organization? You know it doesn't.
If you fail to communicate what your organization is about, what it stands for - or what makes you clearly compelling individually as a professional - will hawking more of your stuff cause your challenges in communication to evaporate? Please don't deceive yourself into thinking that it might."

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