quinta-feira, maio 13, 2010

Acerca das experiências de compra no B2B

Artigo recente na The McKinsey Quarterly "The basics of business-to-business sales success".
"B2B customers say they care most about price, but what they really want is a great sales experience. For sales reps, that means getting the basics right"
"When it comes to building valuable relationships with customers, sales representatives are critical players on the front lines. But are they getting the basics right? Customers want to be contacted just enough, not bombarded. Sales reps should know their products or services intimately and how their offering compares with those of their competitors. Customers need information on exactly how a product or service will make a difference to their businesses. And while they may say price is their biggest concern, a satisfying sales experience is ultimately more important.
These were the key findings of a survey we conducted of more than 1,200 purchasing decision makers in small, medium, and large companies throughout the United States and Western Europe who are responsible for buying high-tech products and services."
"We found a big difference between what customers said was important and what actually drove their behavior. Customers insisted price was the dominant factor that influenced their opinion of a supplier’s performance and, as a result, their purchasing decisions. Yet when we examined what actually determined how customers rated a vendor’s overall performance, the most important factors were product or service features and the overall sales experience."
Assim, segundo o inquérito:
  • 35% dos vendedores estragam uma relação porque são umas carraças, sempre a ligar, sempre a massacrar;
  • 20% dos vendedores não conhecem os produtos que vendem nem os da concorrência;
  • 9% não conhece o sector ou indústria.
Depois queixam-se que a única alavanca dos vendedores é o preço...
Pudera, como é que podem comunicar valor? Se são umas lapas, se não têm conhecimento,

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