quarta-feira, março 31, 2010

Agarrados a paradigmas ultrapassados

A propósito deBanco de Portugal projecta crescimento mais baixo este ano e no próximo


Se não gostamos dos resultados, se não gostamos do comportamento, temos de mudar, temos de transformar as estruturas sistémicas.

“So, how do we change the structure of systems to produce more of what we want and less of that which is undesirable?”


“This idea of leverage points is not unique to systems analysis—it’s embedded in legend: the silver bullet; the trimtab; the miracle cure; the secret passage; the magic password; the single hero who turns the tide of history; the nearly effortless way to cut through or leap over huge obstacles.

We not only want to believe that there are leverage points, we want to know where they are and how to get our hands on them. Leverage points are points of power.”

“Paradigms are the sources of systems. From them, from shared social agreements about the nature of reality, come system goals and information flows, feedbacks, stocks, flows, and everything else about systems.”

Como não se vai ao fundo da questão… como só se fazem remendos, estica-se o paradigma até à última: “Fórum para a Competitividade sugere aumento do IVA” mesmo quando já está podre e obsoleto.

“There is yet one leverage point that is even higher than changing a paradigm. That is to keep oneself unattached in the arena of paradigms, to stay flexible, to realize that no paradigm is “true,” that every one, including the one that sweetly shapes your own worldview, is a tremendously limited understanding of an immense and amazing universe that is far beyond human comprehension. It is to “get” at a gut level the paradigm that there are paradigms, and to see that that itself is a paradigm, and to regard that whole realization as devastatingly funny. It is to let go into not-knowing, into what the Buddhists call enlightenment.

People who cling to paradigms (which means just about all of us) take one look at the spacious possibility that everything they think is guaranteed to be nonsense and pedal rapidly in the opposite direction. Surely there is no power, no control, no understanding, not even a reason for being, much less acting, embodied in the notion that there is no certainty in any worldview. But, in fact, everyone who has managed to entertain that idea, for a moment or for a lifetime, has found it to be the basis for radical empowerment. If no paradigm is right, you can choose whatever one will help to achieve your purpose. If you have no idea where to get a purpose, you can listen to the universe.”

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