domingo, janeiro 03, 2010

Modelos de negócio (parte IV)

Continuado da parte I, parte II e parte III.
Voltando à figura da parte I e conjugando com o artigo de Amit e Zott no seu artigo “Designing Your Future Business Model: An Activity System Perspective” um outro item a ter em conta é aquilo a que chamamos neste blogue de proposta de valor e que os autores chamam de "design themes":
"An activity system can also be characterized through what we call “design themes,” the system’s dominant value creation drivers. Design themes are configurations of design elements, or the degree to which design elements are orchestrated and connected by distinct themes. Conceptual and empirical research has established that the common design themes that orchestrate and connect the elements of an activity system include Novelty (inovação), lock-in, Complementarities (serviço), and Efficiency (preço),(summarized by the acronym NICE)".

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