sexta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2009

Amor e sedução

Eu falo de amor pelos produtos, clientes, negócio. Descobri que Jeanne Liedtka usa a palavra sedução: "Seduction and the Art of Seduction".
“If you want to achieve strategic success, use strategy to treat employees like lovers instead of prostitutes.”
“… leaders see the strategies that they invent as “real” and “true.” But because they see these strategies as “real” and “true” rather than as products of their own invention, they believe that if they merely (and, of course, one should not underestimate the difficulty of even this) communicate it clearly, others will also see it as real and true, and work to implement it. But this assumption cannot be supported.
No strategy is ever “true” – all strategies are inventions. They are man-made designs. Business is not governed by natural laws – our strategies are not “discovered” truths, like e = mc2.
Business leaders make them up because they want the future to be different than the past. This is good, and such inventions play a useful purpose – something else that we also know from change theory. But because leaders are so close to their own inventions, and because these inventions flow out of the way they see the world, leaders believe that their strategies are as compelling to others as they are to them. After all, leaders normally have analysis to “prove” that their inventions are true. But you can never “prove” that an invented design for a possible future is “true” – especially using a rationale that flows out of a single view of “reality.”

Successful strategies are compelling and persuasive in the eye of the beholder – put more vividly, they are seductive. The real power of any strategy is the opportunity it affords to entice people into sharing an image of the future. Notice that I said entice – not delude or manipulate.

Second, not just any conversation will do – we need a conversation that starts with a focus on the possibilities, rather than the risks, constraints, or uncertainties.
We also know that chemistry matters. Look for the sparks, the passion. If your pulse does't quicken any point in the conversation, something is wrong.”
É muito mais fácil criar, sentir e transmitir a paixão, a sedução necessária para energizar uma transformação estratégica, quando se conhece o 'milieu', quando se vê para lá da superfície das coisas e das relações.

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