sexta-feira, dezembro 19, 2008

Este é o tempo para repensar a estratégia (parte III)

Continuado daqui.
A revista The Mckinsey Quarterly publicou um interessante artigo de Richard Rumelt intitulado "Strategy in a ‘structural break’ ".
Mais um convite para a reflexão estratégica que se impõe neste momento, e recheado de interessantes conselhos:
Alguns trechos que destaco do pensamento de Rumelt são:
"There is nothing like a crisis to clarify the mind. In suddenly volatile and different times, you must have a strategy. I don’t mean most of the things people call strategy—mission statements, audacious goals, three- to five-year budget plans. I mean a real strategy."
"By strategy, I mean a cohesive response to a challenge. A real strategy is neither a document nor a forecast but rather an overall approach based on a diagnosis of a challenge. The most important element of a strategy is a coherent viewpoint about the forces at work, not a plan."
"I think we are looking at a structural break with the past—a phrase from econometrics, where it denotes the moment in time-series data when trends and the patterns of associations among variables change.A corporate crisis is often a sign that the company’s business model has petered out—that the industry’s underlying structure has changed dramatically, so old ways of doing business no longer work."
"We know in our bones that the future will be different. When the business model of part or all of the economy shifts in this way, we can speak of a structural break."
"Structural breaks render obsolete many existing patterns of behavior, yet they point the way forward for some companies and at times even for whole economies."
"The wrong way forward in a structural break during hard times is to try more of the same. The break and the hard times are sure indications that an old pattern has already been pushed to its limits and is destroying value"
"So during structural breaks in hard times, cutting costs isn’t enough. Things have to be done differently, and on two levels: reducing the complexity of corporate structures and transforming business models. At the corporate level, the first commandment is to simplify and simplify again. Since companies must become more modular and diverse, eliminate coordinating committees, review boards, and other mechanisms connecting businesses, products, or geographies. The aim of these cuts is to provide lean central and support services that don’t require business units to spend time and energy coordinating their activities."

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