quinta-feira, outubro 23, 2008

Reframing é mais importante do que nunca

Nestes tempos de mudança, tempos propícios para que as empresas façam o exercício de "reframing" (reframing), o exercício de olhar para a realidade a partir de um ponto de vista diferente, pode ser útil consultar o artigo "Stimulating Innovative Thinking: Learning How to Listen to What a Situation is Trying to Tell Us" de Robert Mockler e publicado pela revista Global Business Review em 2005.
"While it is useful and necessary to know where the industry and competitive market now stands and how it works today in order to formulate threshold or survival strategies, more is needed. Gaining competitive advantage and deriving financial profit from the results over the intermediate and longer ter requires studying where the competitive market might be heading. Therefore, systematically listening to what that market is saying about the future becomes a creative art as much as it is a science."

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