segunda-feira, outubro 09, 2006

Gerindo na orla do caos

Há cerca de 2(?) semanas o blog Blasfémias foi palco de acesa discussão, por causa da classificação dos empresários como competentes ou incompetentes.

Surpreendeu-me a facilidade com que se aplicava o rótulo de incompetência a alguém, daí que ao receber o último número da revista Fortune, várias sinapses se tenham gerado ao ler este trecho:
“Bill Ford finally joined the club just before Labor Day weekend. That's when he became the latest chief executive of a giant corporation to cop publicly to the most fundamental and alarming of business problems: His business model doesn't work anymore.
He did it in an e-mail to all of Ford Motor's employees, saying, "The business model that sustained us for decades is no longer sufficient to sustain profitability." Give him high marks for candor, because in corporate life, desperation doesn't get much more naked than that. The chief of one of the world's most storied companies, No. 5 on the Fortune 500, is telling the world that the firm's way of doing business doesn't make money, and he doesn't even know what the new way of doing business should be.
And he's not alone. Ford's lament is the signature cry of our age. Across sectors--retailing, brokerage, software, publishing, computers--business models that produced profits for decades have shut down. In most cases managers aren't sure what the new model will be, but they're absolutely certain it won't have a multidecade lifespan.
The trend seems to be accelerating. Besides Ford's (Charts) admission recent weeks saw Viacom (Charts) chief Sumner Redstone abruptly fire CEO Tom Freston, complaining that he hadn't done enough to build a new Net-based business model. Intel (Charts) one of the world's great adapters, announced it was firing 10,500 people. Even Dell (Charts) is having trouble with its formidable direct-selling model, one of the most successful of the past 20 years.
O artigo completo pode ser lido aqui.

O final remete-nos para um outro universo… precisamos de criar, e de nos habituarmos a viver numa economia de empresas tipo “musaranhos”, rápidas, flexíveis, pequenas… em vez de apostar em pesados diplodocus condenados à obsolescência.

“We've fully accepted the idea that most jobs don't last long, though that was a traumatic notion 20 years ago. It's time to face a similar reality about companies. In a world where business models change every three or four years, maybe it's foolish to think a company should survive for a century. Perhaps many industries will conduct themselves on the Hollywood model: the right mix of people come together for a few months or a few years and move on. The world of private-equity companies works on this basis today.
The idea that our great business institutions may live shorter lives needn't be troubling. With change happening more quickly, businesses that arise and disappear more quickly than they used to could be the best means of serving customers, investors, and employees. If we're in a truly revolutionary business age, it would be crazy to think that more radical change isn't coming. The challenge: finding the will to embrace it.”

Interessante lembrar que já hà 10 anos se equacionava este cenário “Toward a New Business Model” por Albert J. Viscio & Bruce A. Pasternack, na revista “Strategy+Business” 2º trimestre de 1996, onde se podia ler: “As a result of this work, we believe that the current business model has outlived it usefulness for large, global corporations. In fact, in some instances, the model is actually hindering a company's ability to compete.” E: “ a company must become increasingly adept--not to mention quick--in its ability to adjust to changing times. [See Exhibit II.] It must also become much more precise in targeting windows of opportunity, more creative in how it competes and more customized in what it delivers.

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